ASCON Accounting Consulting is a domestic company, founded in 1989, in the city of São José dos Campos, state of São Paulo, organized for the purpose of rendering business advisory and consulting, accounting, fiscal, tax, business law, payroll, and human resources services.
With considerable dedication, hard work, and commitment, and always aiming at professional excellence, we earned our clients' respect and credibility. We serve domestic and foreign companies and organizations throughout Vale do Paraíba region, São Paulo region and others.
Nowadays our headquarters, located at Rua Bambuí, 481, Jardim Satélite, is over 1,000 square meters big, in which a team of more than 60 highly qualified employees, including accountants, lawyers and business administrators, are ready to meet our clients' needs.
Assisting our clients since the moment of their business formation, structuring, procedure and process drafting; until their business matures in every aspect of its development and operation, ASCON is present in every step of business development, offering continuous support in all our areas of operation and computer systems.
Still under our preventive vision, we maintain an updating and consulting service through our regular newsletters, sent to our clients at no cost, for better dissemination of our orientations; aside from a dense training schedule on the most relevant topics to the market.
José Dimas Rodrigues Santos
Executive Officer
ASCON Founder, accountant and lawyer, holds an International Executive MBA degree in Financial Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and the University of Tampa (2007), in Business Law also from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2016) and a Master degree in Controlling and Finance from FIPECAFI - FEA/USP (2017).
In charge of the expert consulting services offered by ASCON to our clients through individual meetings conditioned to scheduling.
Accounting Department
In charge of handling our clients' accounting, producing financial statements in accordance with the Brazilian and international acccounting standards. We assist our clients on their accounting, fiscal, tax, business law, and corporate and tax planning matters.
Integration, analysis, and reconciliation of the accounting-financial transaction figures;
Establishment of accounting and financial controls for self-employed profesionals;
Management of taxation of services taken (Tax withholding);
Fixed asset management;
Tax and payroll integration and review;
Manufacturing cost accounting;
Contract management;
Tax management and calculation - direct and indirect taxes with own management system (ANACON)
DIRF (annual);
DASN- SIMEI (annual);
DIMOB (annual);
DMED (annual);
DEFIS (annual);
SPED ECD (annual);
SPED ECF (annual);
DEREX (annual);
SPED CONTRIBUIÇÕES; ; and other ancillary obligations.
Assistance with corporate and public registrations, such as CBE, IBGE, BACEN, and Siscomex certification;
Arrangements for tax payment in installments;
Tax mapping and review;
Support and assistance during inspection procedures;
Preparation of Accounting and Financial Statements;
Preparation of managerial reports, intercompany reports;
Accounting review;
Support and assistance during audit procedures.
Tax Department
In charge of tax analysis and clients' document verification, tax analysis of transactions and documents, calculation of state and local taxes, as well as federal taxes, including tax under the system of taxable profit computed as a percentage of gross revenue. Additionally, it is responsible for fiscal bookkeeping, performing our clients' data importation, validating those, and sending them to the relevant governmental authorities.
Professional analysis of business operations, with fiscal and tax modeling;
Tax integration, review, and recommendation of tax parameters and entries (inflows, outflows, services, imports, and exports);
Block P calculation (payroll exemption);
Tax calculation of direct and indirect taxes - DAS, ICMS ST Anticipation, ICMS tax rate deferral, ICMS RPA, ICMS-ST, PIS, COFINS, IRPJ, CSLL, IPI, ISSQN and ISSQN Withholding, other taxes;
Monitoring of tax law regarding our clients' tax regimens and related. Continuous fiscal and tax support;
Preparation and delivery of state tax returns: GIA, DeSTDA, NF-Paulista, DIPAM, SPED (EFD ICMS/IPI, EFD Contribuições), others;
Monitoring and issuance of negatuve certificates of federal, state, and local taxes and other matters related to tax governmental authorities;
Support and consulting during federal, state, and local inspection procedures.
Review and recalculation of tax payment slips and taxes not collected and/or compensated by the organizations (companies);
Arrangements for federal and state tax debt payment in installments;
Requests for Special Treatment regarding federal, state, and local taxes and operations.
Personnel Department
In charge of all the proceedings related to personnel hiring and firing in accordance to labor laws. It also coordinates every and any social security tax calculations, income tax calculations on partners and personnel wages, and tax calculations on third party agreements. Full support on all the preventive matters related to personnel department and labor law. No legal support included.
Documentation and Legal Department
doc@asconnet.com.br / juridico-interno@asconnet.com.br
In charge of drafting all of our clients' corporate documents, since their business Articles of Association amendments, mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, consolidations, restructuring, and registrations before governmental agencies, trade associations, public health agencies, CETESB, regulatory agencies, among others. These services are not directly connected to our routine activities and can also be requested by companies that are not regular clients. Corporate agreements drafting and tax and corporate planning - domestic and international. Find here below some available services:
• Limited Liability Company Constitution;
• EIRELI Constitution, Amendment, and Winding up;
• Partnership Constitution;
• Limited Liability Company Transformation into EIRELI;
• Qualification and disqualification on Simples Nacional;
• Transfer of Shares Agreement;
• Amendment of Articles of Association;
• Cancellation of Articles of Association and Winding up;
• Request for Special Treatment.
• Digital certificate purchase (e-CPF and e-CNPJ);
• Registration before SICAF; IFI; CREA and other trade associations;
• CETESB licenses obtention;
• Queries SPC / Serasa;
• Obtention of certificates regarding federal, state, and local debts, social security debts, protests, civil lawsuits, lawsuit enforcement, bankruptcy, labor lawsuits, Public Prosecutor's Office etc.
• Management accounts approval;
• CEO election / appointment;
• Anticipated / disproportionate profit distribution;
• Amendment of Articles of Association.
• Use Assignment of Real Property or Equipment, free or onerous;
• Machinery / Equipment Maintenance;
• Equipment Sales Agreement / Sales Intermediation Agreement;
• Free-lease; Lease; Loan Agreement;
• Loan Conversion into Advance for Future Capital Increase;
• Labor Agreement for Appointed CEO.
• Power of attorney for corporate representative / agent or CEO;
• Legal Advice and Opinions.